Conference FEEs 

Conference fee: participant: 250,00€                  
(after August 31st, 2024: 300,00€)

Fee includes: 

Payment can be made only by bank transfer. 

Participation fee includes : the publishing of 1 scientific paper or 1 abstract. 


Bank connection / Conference account number: 

Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra 

Trieda Andreja Hlinku 2 

949 76 Nitra 

Slovak Republic 

IČO: 00397482 

DIČ: 2021252827 

IČ DPH: SK2021252827 

The name of the bank: Štátna pokladnica 

Address of bank: Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic 

International bank account number /IBAN/

SK40 8180 0000 0070 0006 6247 

Variable symbol: 05901

Constant symbol: 0558 


Information for the recipient: FOODBIOTECH_name_surname 

Payment for Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra staff: 

ŠPP: O-22-105/0300-00 

Fond: 46 

FO: 01402 

FS: 105900 

PU: 1050